Biohackers of Mars PC Oculus Rift

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Biohackers of Mars PC Oculus Rift


Please let me known if you like it and/or you would like me to start a kickstarter to turn it into a full game at :charlie_177@msn.comIts a very short demo, if the game crashes try restarting it (sometimes you can walk through it without any crash) I think the problem is the binaural audio solution I'm using.Story:*the year 2214 on semi-terraformed Mars.*you work for the company 'Second home Inc.'*The rival company on Mars is called 'The sons of Mars' (TSM).*There is a battle between both companies for the control of the planet ecosystem.*Second home Inc pretends to recreate the old planet Earth.*TSM wants a brand new tree of synthetic life to be the 'only life their planet will allow to exist'.*TSM synthetic organisms can visually be told by their red colors, a symbol of the red planet.*You are a key that will define the end of this battle, but you have the choice, betray your Earth loving company or join The Sons of Mars.In the full game I want your character to visit many places on Mars including : The Ruins of New Beijing, The bamboo forest, and many more places. Almost everything is a placeholder right now.The objectives of the full game are exploration, DNA samples recollection, 'neutralize' enemies, and a story.Thank you!

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